Why the car water is lacking ??

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Causes of lack of coolant

Many seek perfection, especially when it comes to driving cars, but this can not be done especially with the presence of mechanical failures.Mechanical breakdowns are not limited to old cars only, but include modern cars as well. To:

-Failure of the cooling system thermostat.
-Damage to one of the pipes of the cooling system, which leads to leakage of the liquid and decrease    its level.
-The presence of bubbles of air inside the system, thus rising temperature and then evaporation of         liquid.
-Damage to the main parts of the system such as heat exchanger and water pump or one of its parts.
-Failure of the system's electrical or mechanical cooling fan leads to overheating and liquid             evaporation.

Check the coolant level
 Regardless of what refrigerant is inside the engine cooling system, it is important to maintain engine temperature and prevent damage, so it is advised to follow the liquid level to make sure the system is safe and free from malfunctions, as it takes no more than a few seconds to know this The system has a reservoir of excess fluid next to the heat exchanger which contains signs indicating the upper and lower limit of the amount of liquid.Once you look at the surplus tank, you know whether the system needs to be supplied with a coolant.

Working principle of engine cooling system
The car engine contains internal passages made specifically for the passage of the coolant through it, as the system circulates the liquid using a special pump that works as soon as the engine is started and transports the liquid from those passages after it absorbed the heat from there to the so-called heat exchanger at the front of the car to cool the liquid up to Itself and move it back to the lanes inside the engine.

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